Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 8 – Looong Drive

So I meant to write this last night but writing

this morning isn’t going to change anything I did yesterday so I figured id wait. Well yesterday we drove for hours on end, but stopped early in the morning when we hit Wall (PUN INTENDED) and took a look at Wall Drug. But assuming you don’t know what that is I’ll fill you in. There was a couple like eighty or so years ago that opened a Drug store in Wall South Dakota but no one went there because it was off the main stretch and no one knew about it. So the Husteads ( the couple ) put signs up for miles and miles everywhere along the highway saying “Come try our amazing spring iced water!” and people were like okay, yeah lets go get some ice water, I could t

otally use a drink right now or whatever. So the original Husteads have kept the tradition going and eventually this small pharmacy expanded into this massive market. So in reality the place is a big tourist trap, and the spring water is from the original well the first Hustead dug up. And I personally thought it tasted gross >.> So that’s Wall Drug for you.

Anyways later in the day we stopped in the sketchiest looking gas station EVER and I now know the true definition of Redneck. He even raised, killed and turned Buffalo into jerky. That is also w

here I definitely did not buy cheap explosive fireworks… >.>

OH and I almost forgot the coolest part of yesterday, last night walking through the big fireworks prohibited campground I thought I was going crazy because it was getting dark out and I thought I was seeing small floatie pieces of fire from a campfire….In unoccupied campsites. K But upon further exploration I found these little flashes of light everywhere and told my uncle and sister who also saw them, then we discovered

the reason behind these strange lights, FIREFLYS!! They weren’t like you see in the movies though; they would only flash now and then with this bright but small white light instead of steadily glowing with the exception of one that flew right past us lit up. So we put a couple in an old herring jar because you could get them to crawl onto your hand and one glowed green and the other white. If it works I will put the video that I took of it up here soon.

*Also discovered I know very little about what my father was like*

Song Of The Day
Geeks Get The Girls
By: American Hi-Fi
Lyrics :

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