Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 5 – “Who Knew About The Hoodoos?”


a line I’ve probably heard two hundred times upon entering Alberta. “Maybe a Voodoo? Or Two?” As goes the rhyme my Uncles came up with or something along those lines… Seriously though, the place we left this morning was spectacular. I definitely plan on going back there at least once in my life, and really wish we could have stayed longer.

It was a Canyon more like a valley in the middle of the Badlands, even though it was huge you could see across to every side, it was mostly barren and riddled with small cacti and massive Hoodoos in every direction with a large river running through the middle which must have fed the trees in the campsite area that looked like a large oasis on the edge of it all.

When we got up this morning we couldn’t leave without doing a little exploration of our own, it just wouldn’t have done the scenery justice, so we climbed to the top of the nearest Hoodoo and got some amazing shots then worked our way over to a cave built into one. But on our way down my sister who came along (Miranda) accidentally grabbed a cactus while sliding down a steep ridge and got a ton of splinters in her hand, some of which she still hasn’t gotten out 10 hours later. Did I also mention that it was burning hot? Well now you know. There was even a sign WARNING you to wear sunscreen because the sun was so intense it could get up to 47 degrees Celsius in the shade. Whoa! Then as we left this morning we went to a small lookout at the edge of the Canyon/Valley to take some photos and I almost stepped on a Rattle Snake!! But luckily it slithered away rather then towards me. So I got a video of the thing in a bush but its short and the snake blends in so well its hard to see but it is visible for the first couple seconds of the clip. Other then that we’ve only stopped for groceries and to replace that flat wheel from the other day passing field after field, the border crossing (into Montana because the campsites and gas are cheaper here then in Saskatchewan) and lots and lots of cows plus some Buffalo, which were neat. Conrad Over and Out!

“Conrad, Are you there? Do you copy?”

“Umm, yeah I’m here”

“I said do you copy?”

“Yes Uncle Mike I copy”

“That’s terrible, you shouldn’t plagiarize”

(Walkie talkie conversation between vehicles)

(Also what started the Conrad Out! Finishes)

Song Of The Day

The Water Buffalo Song

By: Veggie Tales (Don’t Judge)

Lyrics : …


  1. hahaha love the cave photo and veggie tales...?

  2. cute :) Awe...Miranda :( poor you I hope you got the thornes out now!

  3. awe mir bear. typical you btw.
    and connie, i love uncle mike. feel free to him tell that.
