Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 23 -Trek Home Day 1

We finally headed out for home with two stops along the way in mind but not after going to my Aunts parents house on Frogs Hollow Side Road (had to mention the road name, I wish I lived on a street with that cool a name) where we had awesome sandwiches and learnt about their cool cat named Ivan that was more like a dog then a cat. This is where we also said our goodbyes to my Uncle and Aunt/cousins who had left us before the reunion then joined back up with us from there because they were staying another week or so. Then we headed out late (at eleven) for the days journey that lead us across the border to Flint where we swam and spent the night. I think the mini-lake we swam in there is worth mentioning. It was more or less a giant pond and was maybe the size of the panorama pool and had a dark blue/green nasty color that kept you from being able to see a foot in front of you under water as well as a small (in comparison to the pond) circle that constantly bubbled that my Uncle had made a joke about being where the sewage pumps in. I almost believed it too, that’s how gross this water looked at first glance, but after asking someone about it and taking a better look at the shade of the water it looked more of a blue color and smelled like a number of the pools we had swam in previously I learned that the water was like it was because of the chemicals they put in to keep it clean and to prevent algae from growing while the bubbles and swirls were aerators (or something like that) which kept the water moving giving it currents and such to prevent it from becoming static.

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